March TBR, because I finished my Jan TBR!

March TBR, because I finished my Jan TBR!

Hai Spicy Hoomans! Yes, I said Jan TBR. I'm a slow reader. Since I left for Korea at the end of November 2019, till the end of January 2020 I read a total of 2.2 novels. I DNF'd a novel too (hence the .2) which made it a truly sad two months when…
My First YA Page Writing Meet of 2020!

My First YA Page Writing Meet of 2020!

Hai Spicy Hoomans! Writing, Chatting & Snacking! This morning I ventured into Mr. Tulk cafe in Melbourne's CBD to catch up with Sarah, Emily and other budding writers who are currently drafting the next New York Times Bestseller! I was feeling really uninspired today so I didn't really get much writing done. I…
How I’ve Tracked My Reading Since 2017

How I’ve Tracked My Reading Since 2017

Hai Spicy Hoomans! Electronic or Hardcopy? Many people choose Goodreads and that's super cool if you are good at maintaining a tracker. I, unlike many, am not. Instead, I like to keep a simple manual record on my phone and put data into Goodreads when I remember to. I have an android mobile…
My January 2020 TBR Sucks!

My January 2020 TBR Sucks!

Hai Spicy Hoomans! Yeah, I said it! I have been in a reading slump all December because I'd caught the travel bug which, if you have travelled, takes up a lot of your time and energy, leaving little room for reading. Good news is, I'm back and ready to smash through my TBR;…