Jasper and Spice: What’s New In 2022 ✨

Jasper and Spice: What’s New In 2022 ✨

🦕 Hai Beautiful 🌼 Let's talk goal setting! Every year I make a "Blogging Goals" post, and every year I forget about that post and just do whatever the hell my heart desires, never looking back at what I set out to achieve. BUT...  This year is different! This year's post isn't about…
This Awesome App Called Todoist #notspon

This Awesome App Called Todoist #notspon

Heyo Bookaholics! If you're an organisation freak like I am, you're going to adore this app! As you can tell, this isn't a generic Monday Book Review, because today I'm talking about this organisation app that I am absolutely in love with and I want everyone to give it a go. I love…
How I’ve Tracked My Reading Since 2017

How I’ve Tracked My Reading Since 2017

Hai Spicy Hoomans! Electronic or Hardcopy? Many people choose Goodreads and that's super cool if you are good at maintaining a tracker. I, unlike many, am not. Instead, I like to keep a simple manual record on my phone and put data into Goodreads when I remember to. I have an android mobile…
What To Bring To A Book Club Meeting!

What To Bring To A Book Club Meeting!

Heyo Bookaholics! Spicy tip time! It's that time of the month again where I have attempted to read a chosen novel before the book club and fail horribly, showing up regardless. Today, TheYARoom are meeting at the State Library in Melbourne to discuss their chosen book for August, Wilder Girls by Rory Power. Wilder…
Changing Face: Blog Revamp!

Changing Face: Blog Revamp!

Heyo Bookaholics! Jasper + Spice is getting a Premium Facelift! Firstly, I want to acknowledge that I do know today is a Wednesday and I would typically have a storytime up, but I seriously couldn't wait to share this exciting news with you all and I promise a wonderful, well written and revised…
Blogging Favourites Feb 2018

Blogging Favourites Feb 2018

Heyo Bookaholics!

You know how some colours seem to match up to certain ‘things’ such as months of the year, days of the week, and even subjects. So in my mind, the month of February – in my mind – seems to feel like the colour light green, hence the nice light green accent in the post header and the words in this post.

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Managing Blogging and Uni in 2018

Managing Blogging and Uni in 2018

Heyo Bookaholics!

Anyone who reads these posts, or follows my blog will know that I am horrible at either posting on time, or completing posts before they are scheduled to be posted, which sadly means I am caught out with posts going up on my blog empty of content.

This annoys me more than anything and I have decided to do something about it and stick to it!

post separator 1 - Managing Blogging and Uni in 2018

What I Expect From Uni This Year:

As of the 2nd of Jan, I

Increase Efficiency & Make your lunch after your dinner!

Increase Efficiency & Make your lunch after your dinner!

Welcome back guys!

Today I am back with another Life Hack/ Organisation post that will hopefully provide you with some much-needed advice and motivation to living happy and healthy (despite the junk food presented in the cover image).

If you remember, I did a  post last month titled “12 Things I do To Stay Organised & Stress-Free”, which outlines the things I do that are guaranteed to help anyone stay organised and stress-free. In this post I outline reasons why it should be common practice to make your lunch after you have finished your dinner.

  1. There is food everywhere!
  2. You have time to make your lunch, preventing you from running around like a crazy person in the morning and pulling together an unsatisfying concoction usually consisting of a tuna can and bread – which I have done many times. Hence saving time to do other stuff the following morning.
  3. You will save money because you’re not buying your lunch.
  4. You will eat healthier since you are not eating out and you’ll know what is going into your mouth, making you feel a lot less guilty about what you are eating.
  5. You won’t pack more food than necessary. Since you have just eaten dinner, you are now full and will not want to eat anymore, hence you will be less willing to pack more food for the next day. do not feel the need to pack lots of food for the next day.
  6. You will feel healthier, and your body will thank you 🙂