My January 2020 TBR Sucks!

My January 2020 TBR Sucks!

Hai Spicy Hoomans! Yeah, I said it! I have been in a reading slump all December because I'd caught the travel bug which, if you have travelled, takes up a lot of your time and energy, leaving little room for reading. Good news is, I'm back and ready to smash through my TBR;…
It’s Christmas! Or Should I Say… Bookmas!?

It’s Christmas! Or Should I Say… Bookmas!?

Heyo Bookaholics! Festive Christmas Book Tag! Christmas is today! On a Wednesday, which is my usual posting day and I had to post something! Remembering that there is a Christmas Book Tag that I actually did a couple of years back, I decided to do it again now that I have read more…
Kris Kringle & Best Friends Appreciation Post!

Kris Kringle & Best Friends Appreciation Post!

Heyo Bookaholics! F**k, I love my friends! My close friends and I caught up for a Christmas dinner on Monday night (when this post was scheduled to be uploaded, oops). It was so cute! I was surrounded by my favourite things; friends, food, books and love. We gave our KK gifts to each…
Travel Talk & Final Korea Vlogs!

Travel Talk & Final Korea Vlogs!

Heyo Bookaholics! All The Vlogs Are Live! 2019 is coming to a close and so are my holidays. Although, not just yet. You all know Sarah and I went to Korea at the end of last month. I vlogged most of our trip, editing them myself - and as you may be able…
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare | Re-read Book Review

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare | Re-read Book Review

Heyo Bookaholics! This took me a while... So I re-read the book that began my Shadowhunter obsession all those years ago in High School. Blurb When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder― much less a murder committed by three…
The Last TBR For 2019!

The Last TBR For 2019!

Heyo Bookaholics! December TBR! December has hit and hit us hard. Seoul transitioned quickly into winter, the temperature dropping from a mild 10 degrees Celcius to a blistering -4 and snow which was epic to see falling from the sky. Melbourne weather seems to have not adjusted so well to the change (as…