Why I DNF’d Linger by Maggie Stiefvater + Work Update

Why I DNF’d Linger by Maggie Stiefvater + Work Update

Heyo Bookaholics!

Welcome back to another Storytime Wednesday, and what so happens to be the first post of this week.

Today I want to discuss that time a series was so hyped up, that when I began reading it I absolutely hated it!

I’m sure you are all quite familiar with the series pictured below, which consists of 3-4 books – Shiver, Linger, Forever, (and if you chose to include it) Sinner – by Maggie Stiefvater.

shiver linger forver box set - Why I DNF'd Linger by Maggie Stiefvater + Work Update

You see, I was last to hop on the Groove Train when it came to reading this series,

Uni + Writing Update

Heyo Bookaholics!

I feel like I haven’t spoken to you all in a while, so for today’s post I wanted to update you all on the happenings of my recently event filled life-outside-of-blogging.

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It has been a very eventful few weeks this past month and a half,  though I’ve managed to post fairly frequently and I am proud to say that I have completed yet another

Why Do I Have So Many Library Books?! // STW

Why Do I Have So Many Library Books?! // STW

Heyo Bookaholics!

I’ve been trying to think of more obscure things to share with you, and I think I hit the jackpot with this one; because I have acquired a good quantity of Library books from my school library.

Yeah crazy right?!

So how did I get them?

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No! I didn’t steal them. I was a very good student and a good friend of the librarians; and that my friends is where my story starts…

Managing Blogging and Uni in 2018

Managing Blogging and Uni in 2018

Heyo Bookaholics!

Anyone who reads these posts, or follows my blog will know that I am horrible at either posting on time, or completing posts before they are scheduled to be posted, which sadly means I am caught out with posts going up on my blog empty of content.

This annoys me more than anything and I have decided to do something about it and stick to it!

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What I Expect From Uni This Year:

As of the 2nd of Jan, I

October/ November GIANT Book Haul + Reading

October/ November GIANT Book Haul + Reading

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

November was the most successful reading month of 2017 for not the best reason…

Although, It along with October, was a very successful book collection month. I forgot to post my October book haul at the beginning of this month, so it will be incorporated into this post, making it possibly my biggest haul this year!

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I don’t want to blabble too much before we get into the hauls, sooooo…….. KEEP SCROLLING TO SEE TWO MONTHS WORTH OF BOOKS!!!

I’ll begin firstly with my October Haul, in which I read no books.

Storytime Wednesday: Why Do We Hate School Books?

Storytime Wednesday: Why Do We Hate School Books?

Do we hate a book if we have a negative mindset when we start reading it brought upon by being forced into it? Would everyone have liked it if they had chosen to read it?

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

Today we discuss why students hate their allocated school books and if this hatred would’ve formed if they’d chosen to read this book on their own.

I personally embraced all of my school books and still own a few of them from year 7 and 10. I always went the extra mile to read the rest of the series if



Hey Ho Bookaholics!

What is this!? Two posts in one week??? I think I’m finally starting to get my sh*t together, and the sad thing is I have so many brilliant ideas for posts on this blog written in a cute pen in a cute pink notebook, that I stupidly keep procrastinating.

But enough of that! Now I have a cool new phone, big enough to type up blog posts and make posts on the go I wont have to make excuses about not having my computer on me to post.

♡ ♡ ♡

Now that that little rant is over with, I want to tell you all about how my NaNoWriMo writing month went.

It went….. okay.

So I went into this with an already started story that I was origionally writing and I felt like I needed a reason for myself to put more effort into it.

The book started with around 1,500 words, and over the course of the first week, which consisted of studying for Uni exams, procrastinating said studying, and many mental breakdowns, I managed to raise my total word count to 3,257 words. I made my personal goal 15,000 words because there was no way I was going to reach 50,000 words like most people.

It all went downhill from there.

Storytime Wednesday: Top 3 Books That Changed My Life & Way Of Thinking

Storytime Wednesday: Top 3 Books That Changed My Life & Way Of Thinking

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

There are many books that I remember reading as a child and that have shaped me as a person, but the books on this list are unlike those. The three books on this list not only shaped me as a person but shaped my mind and values and left a lasting impression on my mind that I never ever forget the titles or authors of these three.

Ask any of my friends and they will tell you that I recommend these books to EVERYONE who is looking for a new read.

Storytime Wednesday: Librarians Are Angels

Storytime Wednesday: Librarians Are Angels

Hello Bookaholics! Lets forget about all those meanie librarians that we see in movies and (rarely) in our everyday lives; and let us focus on those God sent angel librarians who look after us book lovers by chatting to us, recommending us new books to read, and best of all giving us free…