Why I DNF’d Linger by Maggie Stiefvater + Work Update

Why I DNF’d Linger by Maggie Stiefvater + Work Update

Heyo Bookaholics!

Welcome back to another Storytime Wednesday, and what so happens to be the first post of this week.

Today I want to discuss that time a series was so hyped up, that when I began reading it I absolutely hated it!

I’m sure you are all quite familiar with the series pictured below, which consists of 3-4 books – Shiver, Linger, Forever, (and if you chose to include it) Sinner – by Maggie Stiefvater.

shiver linger forver box set - Why I DNF'd Linger by Maggie Stiefvater + Work Update

You see, I was last to hop on the Groove Train when it came to reading this series, and by this time, I had seen it everywhere! Maybe it was because I like to do a lot of background digging, and I saw how amazing the Raven Cycle series was and people who I spoke to about that seemed to really like that series, they also recommended me this series I am discussing with you today, which I just found out is called The Wolves of Mercy Falls Series.

I seriously struggled, but managed to power through Shiver, the first book in the series, but I didn’t rate it very highly. Yes there was action, love, and and werewolves but there was far too much sappy stinking insta-love. Oh my gosh the insta-love was horrid in this book! I thought I reviewed this book, but it seems that I never did and now I am disappointed in myself, but this post isn’t a rant on Shiver.

By the end of the doomed first book, I began the first book with higher hopes, really only to have them crushed in what had to have been the first page. When I got to the second book, I could see the concept was good and the story did have a destination but it was insanely slow and unnecessarily detailed in parts that I began to grow bored of it very quickly and I was even struggling to just push though; I honestly tried until I gave up and put it down entirely.

I totally judged this series on the first and some part of the second book, and to be completely honest with you all, as a reader I have every right to. If you or anyone who gives a book/ series a try and doesn’t like it, or to this extreme finds it a genuine struggle to read, the person has every right to dislike and stop reading the series even though others may think differently.

I wanted to complete this series during a buddy read with a friend on Instagram and by the second book we had both put it down. I don’t even think I’d made it half way through, and in all honesty, I won’t judge the Raven Cycle off of my experience with this series, but I definitely will not go into it with as high hopes as I had for this series.

Please tell me what your experience with this series was. Was it as negative as mine? Did you really love the books? I’d love to know in the comments below!


After that crazy rant, I wanted to throw in here a little update on my life, work, and uni to keep you all up to date with how crazy tired and proud of myself I have been lately.

Work + Reading Update!

As of this Friday I will have completed my first ever two weeks straight of full time work – and before you all think I’m crazy to be celebrating this, let me say that I’ve never worked more than two consecutive days ever and I am really really tired. I literally do not want to go back to Uni next Monday and I am so bummed. Full time work is amazing, and I’m not sure if it is because I love what I do and where I do it, but I find that there is no stress and every day I come home, I leave all work problems at work and I have all the time I want to myself; hence why I have been able to bring you all these wonderfully consistent blog posts.

Tonight I hope to complete The Wren Hunt, a book sent to me by Allen & Unwin in exchange for an honest review. I am loving it so far! The review will most definitely be up next Monday the 26th of February, so please keep an eye out for that.

If you enjoyed today’s posts (or aspects of it), please let me know down in the comments below or on my various forms of social media which can be found at the bottom of the post. I’d really love to hear your thoughts on these kinds of posts: what you love, and what you hate, as the feedback will really help to improve what I do here.


Stay Happy, Healthy, and have a Lovely Week!!


Thank You so much for reading! I hope to see you all back here on Saturday 🙂

bree xoxo - Why I DNF'd Linger by Maggie Stiefvater + Work Update

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