My Writing Goals: Finishing #Realise Draft Before NaNoWriMo Begins (SW#37)

My Writing Goals: Finishing #Realise Draft Before NaNoWriMo Begins (SW#37)

Heyo Bookaholics!

I’m the biggest optimist I know when it comes to writing…

Hi, you must be new to my blog. Here on Jasper + Spice, I talk about books, organisation and my seriously ambitious writing process. Which if you think about it, is only ambitious for me because I have to put homework before everything else in my life.

The writing process in question relates to my current WIP (work in process) titled #Realise. I have a slew of posts on Jasper + Spice about the story which you can find by clicking on the link below.

All the posts about my WIP #Realise!

Now you’re all caught up, let’s start talking about goals and ambitions I hope to – but probably won’t – reach. As of today, we have just under a month until NaNoWriMo which is the month where writers from all over the world attempt to write 50,000 words of a novel. I’ve never been successful in completing NaNo but in my third year of participating, I hope to at least come close!

To be able to participate in NaNoWriMo this year and start something new, I really want to finish the project I have been working on, hence why I am creating a not-very-detailed plan to write upwards of 15,000 words for #Realise in order to finish the first draft.

How I Plan to Write 17.5k Words In 30 Days (NaNoWriMo Preparation)

October 2019
Week 1 (30/9 – 6/10): Write 3,500 words during the week. Complete chapter 13 and start chapter 14. This week is a student’s nightmare so this weekend is when I plan to write all 3,500 of these words.
Total End Of Week Word Count Goal: 35,103

Week 2 (7/10 – 13/10): Write 3,500 words during the week. Complete chapter 14 and half of chapter 15. I’m planning to split this up properly by writing 500-1k words on Monday and Wednesday, with the remaining 1.5k to be written on the weekend.
Total End Of Week Word Count Goal: 38,603

Week 3 (14/10 – 20/10): Write 3,500 words during the week. Complete chapter 15 and half of chapter 16. I have around two assignments to do this week which means that yet again all words will be written on the weekend…
Total End Of Week Word Count Goal: 42,103

Week 4 (21/10 – 27/10): Write 3,500 words during the week. Complete chapter 16 and half of chapter 17. One more assignment left! This means I’m going to try for 580 words a day (except Thursday because Thursday is parma night).
Total End Of Week Word Count Goal: 45,603

Week 5 (28/10 – 3/11): Write 3,500 words during the week. Complete chapter 17 and half of chapter 18. Coming up to exams, I’ll have to juggle this one well and aim to write 1.5k on Monday, 500 on Wednesday and another 1.5k on Friday.
Total End Of Week Word Count Goal: 49,103

There are currently 23 planned chapters in this novel and I know it is completely unrealistic to hope that I complete them all especially with all the uni work I have to do and upcoming exams.
The end of October marks the start of my exam study period which means I will have to prioritise my time better as to not have a mental breakdown during this time.

Where, when do I write and what do I write with?

I wanted to slot this little factoid in here because I see writers being asked questions like this a lot. I really wanted to share what I do because I love listening and reading about other author’s/ writer’s habits myself.

Where do I write?
I like writing at cafes, in my bed or a soft chair that I can slump into and just focus on words not posture. I don’t do a lot of writing at my desk even though it is my craft space, I just hate typing at my desk.

When do I write?
I find creativity strikes me at night. So that’s why when I’m in bed I will write a lot and also at times when I’ve finished a piece of homework. I usually like to write when inspiration strikes otherwise I get annoyed at the slow speed at which I am typing out words. Also, I can never write when I have the urge to do a piece of homework.

What do I use to write?
I used to use Google Docs since it could be used across any computer and I was able to write at work without carrying around my laptop. I have since moved my work from Google Docs to Pages as Google was lagging annoyingly once I hit 30k.

Progress Report?

I’ll check back in with you all at the end of the month and let you know how I went with writing each week and if I met any or all of the target word counts.

Stay tuned for more writing inspired posts to be posted mostly on Wednesdays, but also the entire month of November will be dedicated to NaNoWriMo and the middle-grade WIP I have planned to write in the month!

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Leave your opinions in the comments or alternatively on my social media channels!
Instagram // Goodreads // Twitter // YouTube .

See you back here on Monday’s (book reviews), Wednesday’s (storytime/ writing updates) and Saturday’s (other bookish content).

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