What To Bring To A Book Club Meeting!

What To Bring To A Book Club Meeting!

Heyo Bookaholics!

Spicy tip time!

It’s that time of the month again where I have attempted to read a chosen novel before the book club and fail horribly, showing up regardless.

Today, TheYARoom are meeting at the State Library in Melbourne to discuss their chosen book for August, Wilder Girls by Rory Power.

Wilder Girls is a dystopian novel set on an island at an all-girls which has been quarantined to contain a deadly disease, preventing its spread beyond the island. The novel centres around the girls and their ability to survive, their journey and insights into what they’ve lost during their 18 months of quarantine.

I started the novel last night in hopes I can power through a great deal of it, alas I haven’t, but I am hoping for future romance and some more gore than what the first and second chapters have to offer. Due to this, am going into this meeting without having finished the novel,


I am prepared!

So, what do you bring?

The Book
Beginning with the obvious, please make sure you bring the book that is being discussed in the meeting. Depending on your group, it may be okay to forget this, but always be on the safe side.

A Pen and Paper
For those notes, quotes and tea spills that you’ll need to remember for something or other later on.

To take Bookstagram photos, update your followers, and follow every new person you meet on every social media they have.
*The phone can also be an alternative to a pen and paper to take notes.

A Reusable Coffee Cup
For your coffee, tea or chai latte fix before the meeting! This way, especially if it’s cold, you’ll have something warm to hold in your hands and sip while you spill the real tea.

A Spare Tote Bag
Roll one up and throw it in your bag to carry out all the new books you’ve somehow managed to purchase while you were at the meetup. Or if you’re at a library, you might need a second tote bag because they’re free and it’s hard to help oneself around so many books!

A Friend!
Bring a friend (or two) to the book meet and assimilate them into the world of books! They’ll love it, I promise you! You’ll also feel more comfortable as you’ll have someone you know in the group. You can’t go wrong.

The Tea (aka Your Opinions)
Don’t be afraid to express yourself and share your opinions in the group! That’s the whole point of the meeting. You’re surrounded by other people like you who have read the same book and are eager to discuss it. Give them your opinions and hear theirs, this is how you get to know people’s likes/ dislikes and personalities.

A Bag
And of course, all of this is thrown – or neatly placed – into any bag of your choice that fits all of these items.

You may be bringing other personal items in your handbag/ backpack/ tote and that’s cool. My bag is usually packed with everything else necessary for life, from pads to a portable charger of which I transport from bag to bag to bag in a neverending cycle, occasionally forgetting something – but never forget to bring a book!

Let me know in the comments what you bring to your book meets!

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Leave your opinions in the comments or alternatively on my social media channels!
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See you back here on Monday’s (book reviews), Wednesday’s (storytime/ writing updates) and Saturday’s (other bookish content).

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