Books Recs For When Your TBR Is Looking Thicc.

Books Recs For When Your TBR Is Looking Thicc.

Hai Bookaholics! I see you're avoiding your TBR... Looking for another book to read instead? I know many of you are in self-isolation/ social-distancing/ physical-distancing or whatever else you're choosing to call it and there is either is too many on your bookshelf to read, or not enough. Never fear! I've made a…
March TBR, because I finished my Jan TBR!

March TBR, because I finished my Jan TBR!

Hai Spicy Hoomans! Yes, I said Jan TBR. I'm a slow reader. Since I left for Korea at the end of November 2019, till the end of January 2020 I read a total of 2.2 novels. I DNF'd a novel too (hence the .2) which made it a truly sad two months when…