Books I’m Reading In The Last Week Of May!

Books I’m Reading In The Last Week Of May!

Hai Beautiful! What an ah-MAY-zing reading month! Since I managed to read three 300-450 page novels in a week for the Because We Can Readathon last week, I have this idea that I can increase my TBR to insane levels and have it still be achievable. I had four books on my BCW Readathon TBR, three of…
BECAUSE WE CAN Readathon (What is it? My TBR & YT Video)

BECAUSE WE CAN Readathon (What is it? My TBR & YT Video)

Hai Beautiful! I'm taking on another readathon! I've never been a huge fan of readathons (being a slow reader and all...), but after completing the O.W.Ls readathon successfully in April, I've become confident and have decided to take on another readathon. If you are not into reading blog posts, you can watch my…
April/ May Wrap-Up + Book Haul!!

April/ May Wrap-Up + Book Haul!!

Heyo Bookaholics! May was hectic! Wow - I seem to say that a lot - maybe I'm so shocked that I'm somehow more social and accomplished than I think I am. I love these wrap-up posts, it gives me a time to reflect on my bookish escapades and share it with you all!…