Books I’m Reading In The Last Week Of May!

Books I’m Reading In The Last Week Of May!

Hai Beautiful!

What an ah-MAY-zing reading month!

Since I managed to read three 300-450 page novels in a week for the Because We Can Readathon last week, I have this idea that I can increase my TBR to insane levels and have it still be achievable.

I had four books on my BCW Readathon TBR, three of which I read and one, Zenith, which I didn’t get to within the week. For real though, four books in seven days, even if I wasn’t doing anything at all, is still far too many.

On the other hand, two books in two days with the combined number of pages of the three novels I completed last week is totally achievable. I hope.

The Books!

I really really want to finish Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings & The Vanishing Deep by Astrid Scholte.

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I started Zenith a couple of days ago and am trying to smash through it. The only issue with reading this novel is that when it was released, there were so many mixed – but mostly heavily critical – reviews posted about the novel.
I’m trying not to critique this book too heavily as I read it, but comparing it to other novels in the genre, I have noticed plot holes and world-building/ story-telling elements that could be improved.
I am only 45 pages in and going to actually give it my full attention, putting tabs in pages that I want to reference in my review and not letting negative reviews dictate my enjoyment.

I have had The Vanishing Deep since it was released. I love Astrid and her writing. Her debut novel Four Dead Queens was absolutely brilliant and I have been hanging out to read TVD for months!
As usual, I will be going into the novel without any context, i.e. I haven’t read the blurb, which allows me to enjoy it without any expectations.

Thank You for reading. I hope you are having a wonderful reading month like I am and staying safe at home or at work, wherever you may be! Sending you love and virtual hugs xxx

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See you back here on Monday’s (book reviews), Wednesday’s (storytime/ writing updates) and Saturday’s (other bookish content).

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