How I’ve Tracked My Reading Since 2017

How I’ve Tracked My Reading Since 2017

Hai Spicy Hoomans! Electronic or Hardcopy? Many people choose Goodreads and that's super cool if you are good at maintaining a tracker. I, unlike many, am not. Instead, I like to keep a simple manual record on my phone and put data into Goodreads when I remember to. I have an android mobile…
BookTubeAthon TBR!

BookTubeAthon TBR!

Hey Ho Bookaholics!!

The BookTubeAthon starts tomorrow at Midnight! My friend Tracy (@trufflebooks) dragged me into this and now I’m going to attempt to read 7 books in 7 days!!

The prompts for the books are as listed below:

booktubeathon 2017 - BookTubeAthon TBR!

So with the Tracy’s help, I managed to chose 7 books which I hope to, but  most likely will not finish within the seven days of the challenge.

July TBR!

July TBR!

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

What is this? I am doing a TBR post?

Why yes I am. I haven’t done a TBR post in a while as my reading has been super irregular and I have been reading really slowly that as I said a few posts back, I have only read 5 books in 6 moths and that is appalling.

I have decided to get back on track with a TBR that I will (hopefully) stick to.

I have created monthly TBR shelves on my Goodreads page, with each month containing roughly 3-5 books that I will hopefully finish – and review – within the month. The June TBR Shelf contains only 4 books, one of which I have already started.

The four books include:

Mid-Year Book Freak Out 2017!

Mid-Year Book Freak Out 2017!

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

Today I present you with my Mid-Year Book Freak Out!! Especially since I’ve read just shy of 6 books in six months *inaudible gurgling noises* But in my defence I’ve been working on the dystopian book I am writing and I have been in some sort of reading slump. The kinda slump where I want to read and I can read but can’t read fast enough.

I found this tag on Hailey’s YouTube channel; HaileyInBookland. She changed a few of the questions to suit herself but I will keep the original questions, and maybe delete a few for convenience. I don’t know the true creator of this tag so if anyone does you can comment it below thank you.

Summer TBR 2016-2017!

Summer TBR 2016-2017!

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

Today I bring to you the books I plan to read for the next three months of summer which i assure you will go by so so fast!

With all the stuff I have planned for the next three months, I doubt I’ll actually have time to finish all of these but I really do hope I can.

img 6273 - Summer TBR 2016-2017!