New Year’s – A Story In Verse

New Year’s – A Story In Verse

Heyo Bookaholics!

I wrote this when I was feeling down and wanted to remember the good things in life. When I’m with my family and friends on a day that starts off a whole new chapter of my life. I haven’t had a bad beginning to my years thus far and *knocks on wood* all my new year’s beginnings are more amazing than the last.

New Year’s – A Short Story/ Poem

There is one moment in the world where it seems like the Earth stops spinning.

That one moment where everything is calm and everyone is waiting on something.

The ball to drop, the fireworks to light up the sky, the announcement.

There is one moment we all feel at exactly the same time.


People stop and wait.

The seconds drag into minutes, the minutes to hours.

Children become restless and food is consumed in heavy quantities, but everyone is happy, content and waiting.


There is one moment in our lives when people are happy to wait, content to sit, stand, pace, dance, or waste their time.

When families come together, best friends laugh in groups, and couples hold each other close.

Everyone near and dear wishing to bring in the new year with the ones they love.

Then all of a sudden;


The ball drops,


The fireworks pop,


News anchors announce the coming of the new year,


And all the patient people suddenly scream and cheer.

Couples kiss, friends embrace and a glorious symphony of happiness rings around the new world.

It’s a beautiful sound.

The sound of happiness.

This is why the world turns.

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What makes your world turn? I love for the moments like these. I know there are many more moments like this, but my experience draws upon this moment; a moment I’ve felt many times over and will feel many more.

Do you have a world turning moment? I’d really love to hear about your happy moment/s.

Leave your opinions in the comments or alternatively on my social media channels!
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Thank You, With Love Bree xx

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