A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas | VIDEO Book Review

A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas | VIDEO Book Review

Heyo Bookaholics!

My First YouTube Book Review.

I almost started this post off by saying “Heyo Book Reviews”; oh my I’m a mess today. So you’re probably expecting a written book review today, but I’ve come here to promote my channel and tell you all that I have posted my first ever video review on my channel – something I was so apprehensive of doing.

I chose to review ‘A Court of Frost and Starlight’ by Sarah J. Maas not only because it was short and easy to take notes for, but I had a fair amount of constructive – not negative – points to mention; things that made the book less than satisfactory for me to read.

I have linked the video below for your viewing, or you can click this link here if the below doesn’t work.

This book is like when people ask for an Avengers day-in-a-life TV show but instead it’s the ACOTAR characters doing their daily shit. In my opinion, people shouldn’t be mad because this isn’t a real book with a plot rather a fun day in a life during the most eventful time of the year; the issues I had were less related to the storyline and more related to the way the book was written.

I did give this book ★★☆☆☆ (2/5 stars) on Goodreads but I don’t give a book such a low rating for no reason at all. If you’d like to know all of my thoughts on the book – or should I say novella? – please watch the video I made and maybe give it a like x

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What were your thoughts on A Court of Mist and Fury? Did you get angry like everyone else upon the release of this novel or are your reading it now like me and going “meh, why all the drama?”?

Leave your opinions in the comments or alternatively on my social media channels!
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With Love Bree xx

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