Hey Ho Bookaholics!

What is this!? Two posts in one week??? I think I’m finally starting to get my sh*t together, and the sad thing is I have so many brilliant ideas for posts on this blog written in a cute pen in a cute pink notebook, that I stupidly keep procrastinating.

But enough of that! Now I have a cool new phone, big enough to type up blog posts and make posts on the go I wont have to make excuses about not having my computer on me to post.

♡ ♡ ♡

Now that that little rant is over with, I want to tell you all about how my NaNoWriMo writing month went.

It went….. okay.

So I went into this with an already started story that I was origionally writing and I felt like I needed a reason for myself to put more effort into it.

The book started with around 1,500 words, and over the course of the first week, which consisted of studying for Uni exams, procrastinating said studying, and many mental breakdowns, I managed to raise my total word count to 3,257 words. I made my personal goal 15,000 words because there was no way I was going to reach 50,000 words like most people.

It all went downhill from there.