Tome Topple Readathon

Tome Topple Readathon

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

Long time no see my friends!

I’ve been waiting for that day that I’d have enough time and mental effort to come back here and share my reading life with you all; which up to this point has been pretty much non-existant. I’ve had to lower my Goodreads Reading Goal down from 50 to 23 books, as I have been stuck on Nevernight since New Years, and Uni has left me beaten and dying with only 14 books to my name.

But, Never Fear! I am back and reading and as determined as ever, taking part in the Tome Topple Readathon!

This Readathon was created by Sam from Thoughts On Tomes on YouTube, and it is in its 5th round! There are many hosts, including our very own Australian; Caz from The Little Book Owl. The hosts will be doing reading sprints on twitter @Tome_Topple, if you wish to follow.

The Readathon begins

Huge June Book Haul!

Huge June Book Haul!

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

I went book shopping!! I don’t usually dedicate a day or a particular shopping trip to exclusively shop for books, but on Monday I splurged and bought a total of 13 books. I went with three other book loving friends who for the first time didn’t spend as much as me on books.


june book haul - Huge June Book Haul!

This haul may not seem that big but I did buy all of these books in one day, and I set myself a personal budget of $100; which with everything else I bought that day did not really stick.

November Wrap-Up

November Wrap-Up

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

In addition to wrapping up my monthly reading, I also wrapped up 13 years of compulsary schooling as of the tenth of this month.

I gained alot of love from my September/ October wrap-up that I posted last month, and I really really liked how that post turned out, so I am back with another post very much like it! I will once again be sharing with you the books I read and bought this month, as well as my favourite posts, and some news.

Make sure to pour the water into that cup of coffe or tea you were suppose to make half an hour ago, and get comfy because I did alot this month.


September/ October Wrap Up

September/ October Wrap Up

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

I am surprising even myself to say that I have kept up with my blogging schedule in these past few weeks. This exam period has been the absolute worst! I have had my ups and downs and with only one more exam to go, I am more stressed than ever especially because my last one if English Language. It is my most important exam and the one I am least prepared for, as I surprisingly hate English as a subject.

I have a lot of favourites in these past two months. I have accumulated some posts that I want to share with you all, books I enjoyed and books I bought, as well as a couple of announcements, one of which is Instagram related.


Gemina Book Launch and Signing

Gemina Book Launch and Signing

 Hey Ho Bookaholics!

Today the theme is blue, because I have some amazing Gemina news to share with you!

Last night I went to the Victorian State Library to attend the Book Launch for Gemina by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman. I forced my dad to come along with me and he (surprisingly) enjoyed the event.

screen shot 2016 10 23 at 12 21 42 am - Gemina Book Launch and Signing