Hey Ho Bookaholics!
Happy New Years Everyone! I hope everyone had a lovely first of Jan and didn’t do anything too crazy (like read too many books). My New Years was spent watching the Adelaide fireworks from the balcony of our beach house and dancing to loud pop music till the wee hours of the morning.
You’re all probably thinking “why is the blog header different to the title? and why is it so damn cheesy??” Well my dear bookaholics, to tell you the truth when I made the header I totally forgot the title of this post and that happened; but the blue text represents the new blue theme that I am going to start on my bookstagram account with my new camera!
Though it is a Monday, and I should be posting my usual book review, I have instead chosen today to post my New Years resolution list for Jasper + Spice. This list details what I hope to achieve in 2017, and how I wish to carry out these resolutions all the way to the begining of 2018.
There is really only two things I wish to achieve on my blog this year;
- Plan to also post on Wednesdays. Yes that’s right; a third day will be added to the already packed schedule. I waited until after I finished my schooling to do this, as I know blogging a few times a week required commitment that I could not give when I was concentrating on my schooling.
There will be a new series on my blog in addition to the weekly Monday Reviews and Saturday Tag/ Random Posts. These posts will be called I will be posting Storytime Wednesday’s which will be debuting this Wednesday, and will feature a weird fact or story each week that relates to a book of my chosing. You can also submit your own weird story or fact and be a part of my Storytime Wednesdays!
- I wish to reach an ambitious 100 followers by the 1st January 2018, and I hope that all of you – my current followers- will help me reach this goal.
This year I gained around 50 followers and I believe that is due to my added effort into my blog posts and increase communication with my followers which I have enjoyed immensely.
Stay Happy, Healthy, and don’t forget to check in at the new time of 4:00pm Wednesdays!!
Thank You so much for reading and I hope to see you all back here again Wednesday 🙂
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© Jasper+Spice 2017. All Rights Reserved. Please do not use without permission. This post was not sponsored, photo is my own and will be featured on my Instagram @thebookishbree. Please follow me on Goodreads (jasperandspice).
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