Writing Goals For September 2020

Writing Goals For September 2020

Hai Beautiful!

I love disappointing myself by not achieving any of my writing goals…

In today’s post I will be talking about my writing, some goals and hopes I have for it for the month of September. This will be realistic, within my limits and hopefully helpful to you if you are creating your own goals!

If you are unaware, I am currently writing my second novel with the working title, His Diary and I am posting every single chapter to my Wattpad account. I am trying to finish the novel (aka reach 80k words) by the end of December.

Currently, my timeline and overall goals aren’t looking achievable and I cannot stand to look at my tracker graph but I’m sure my progress pick back up quickly once I have a solid chapter-by-chapter plan.

That’s why I have decided to break down my goals by month and in doing this, I loosely use the S.M.A.R.T technique of goal setting. I’m far too lazy to properly use the technique, but also I don’t think you’d want to read something so analytical.

✨ Manifesting ✨

From now on, when I goal set I’m going to be manifesting these goals so I actually achieve these very realistic goals.

Outline as many chapters as possible
I love doing this. It helps me to understands where the story is going and how I can connect two main points of my story together. This helps me focus on my writing and motivates me to smash out the words!

Write 20,000 words by the end of the month.
This is my *ultimate* goal for the entire month and aligns with my Writing schedule of 5k words a week, something I am currently failing to achieve.

Improve the promotion of the novel.
I want to do this so I can have more people reading the novel as I update it on Wattpad. This will help me to hopefully gain more feedback, a following and hold me accountable for writing and updating. But mostly for the feedback.

Discuss the novel in my Writing Vlogs.
I will be posting writing vlogs on my YouTube channel and something I want to improve when it comes to my writing is talking about it. I get so nervous that it’s not good, a horrid concept, etc. and I lose confidence when talking about the plot.
I want to feel confident about my writing and to do that I have taken the first step to posting it on Wattpad, now I need to enact the second step of actually talking about it *with confidence*.

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I will be back at the end of the month with an update and you will hear all about this in my writing vlogs. I truly hope that I can achieve all – or even some – of these goals as they are all super realistic and within my capabilities.

Although, I do want to know about you!

What are you writing? Are you writing anything? I’d love to hear all about your projects, how you go about setting goals and actually completing the things you start!

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Leave your opinions in the comments or alternatively on my social media channels!
Instagram // Goodreads // Twitter // YouTube .

See you back here on Monday’s (book reviews), Wednesday’s (storytime/ writing updates) and Saturday’s (other bookish content).

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