How To Balance School and Reading.

How To Balance School and Reading.

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

It is Wednesday and I am already 3 weeks into my Uni holidays, school holidays are just around the corner and all of this equates to way more reading time! But what if you want to start your holiday reading early?

You’ve come to the right place! here I will tell you how to effectively read in school and stay on top of all of your coursework (you must be dedicated to do both in order for this to work).

First off you have to chose what type of books you are going to read. I find that if you like to read during class – whether it be a boring one or you just know all the content – I always go for a compendium. These books can be big or small and easily concealed within the pile of of school books. Compendiums, bind-ups, or anthologies are collections of short stories of the same category, typically by multiple authors, bound into one big book for quick easy reading. This is exactly like telling someone to read the dictionary (though better). Last year I read an Anthology titled: Steampunk! An Anthology of Fantastically Rich and Strange Stories which was edited by Kelly Link and Gavin J. Grant. This book fit snuggly between all of my school books and if a teacher was to ever try and spoil the ending, they can’t because every story is different and no two are related!

Know how fast/ slow you read, so you know when to read. Knowing your reading speed can help you with choosing when to pick up a book during or outside of school. It just seems that homework and classwork will always take up all of your time, but in reality, it doesn’t. Well not if you prioritise. I when I was in high school and even now in Uni, I chose to read in my breaks where I know I won’t get much work done. At high school I read at lunch time more than I did in class as I had the whole time free to do so, rather than only reading a few words in class.

Read your allocated English books. Doesn’t matter what class you’re in, you’ll be cut some slack if you’re reading a book for another subject rather than something completely unrelated to school.

Take breaks from your homework to read. When you’re outside of class and doing homework that usually seems to take forever, take breaks. I find that studying in 30 minute intervals with 10 minute breaks really does wonders for the retention of information. It motivates me to get my work done faster as I know that in those breaks I am able to read. This works really well with a really gripping book that you have to force yourself to out down and motivates you to work faster in those 30 minute intervals.


Stay Happy, Healthy, and have a Lovely Week!!


Thank You so much for reading and I hope to see you all back here again Saturday 🙂

bree xoxo - How To Balance School and Reading.

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