BookTubeAthon TBR!

BookTubeAthon TBR!

Hey Ho Bookaholics!!

The BookTubeAthon starts tomorrow at Midnight! My friend Tracy (@trufflebooks) dragged me into this and now I’m going to attempt to read 7 books in 7 days!!

The prompts for the books are as listed below:

booktubeathon 2017 - BookTubeAthon TBR!

So with the Tracy’s help, I managed to chose 7 books which I hope to, but  most likely will not finish within the seven days of the challenge.

Summer TBR 2016-2017!

Summer TBR 2016-2017!

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

Today I bring to you the books I plan to read for the next three months of summer which i assure you will go by so so fast!

With all the stuff I have planned for the next three months, I doubt I’ll actually have time to finish all of these but I really do hope I can.

img 6273 - Summer TBR 2016-2017!

August TBR

August TBR

I know it is a bit late (almost two weeks into the month), but here is what I have planned to read in the month of August. I am trying to keep my TBR pile for this month small as I do not have much time to read, due to this month being…