Kris Kringle & Best Friends Appreciation Post!

Kris Kringle & Best Friends Appreciation Post!

Heyo Bookaholics! F**k, I love my friends! My close friends and I caught up for a Christmas dinner on Monday night (when this post was scheduled to be uploaded, oops). It was so cute! I was surrounded by my favourite things; friends, food, books and love. We gave our KK gifts to each…
Obsidio Book Launch Melbourne!

Obsidio Book Launch Melbourne!

Heyo Bookaholics!

Last night I went to The State Library of Victoria to attend the book launch for Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman’s new book Obsidio, the third book in the Illuminae files trilogy!

img 3984 - Obsidio Book Launch Melbourne!

I dragged my friend Tatiana, and my Dad along to the event that was MC’d by the wonderful girls of TheYARoom Melbourne Book Club – Sarah and Alex (pictured above). Also if you follow @trufflebooks on Instagram, you’ll notice Tracy’s purple hair as she is seated a couple rows in front of me