Quote-Free Pride Flags (trio bundle)


A trio of pride flags without the quotes, because sometimes, you just wanna be a little plain… and I totally get that!

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A trio of pride flags without the quotes, because sometimes, you just wanna be a little plain… and I totally get that!

9153 scaled e1643261848612 300x300 - Quote-Free Pride Flags (trio bundle)The final 3 bookmarks in the Pride Collection have been launched in the shop. Thus concluding the wonderful first-ever collection launch on the Jasper and Spice shop.

Since these last three are so similar in style, and the only pride flags in the collection that do not contain any quotes, they’ve been bundled together for anyone wishing to buy all three at a happy low price.

All bookmarks are highly detailed, complete with a textured look and shadows that make it look like you have the real thing in your hands.

The Pansexual Flag, Transgender Flag, and Rainbow Pride Flag bookmarks are the perfect size to hold your page while you pause your reading and go off to do whatever it is you do when you’re not reading. It even looks pretty just sitting on a shelf or amongst the (fake) flowers.

Check out the individual products below!

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 Solid Rainbow Pride Flag Bookmark 🏳️‍🌈
wp 16427176852734478461539257447903 300x300 - Quote-Free Pride Flags (trio bundle)
Transgender Flag Bookmark 🏳️‍⚧️
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Pansexual Flag Bookmark 🍳

Additional information

Dimensions 15 × 5 cm

5 x 15 cm (Standard)


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