July/ August TBR & Video!

July/ August TBR & Video!

Hai Beautiful! This is the best way to spend a winter in quarantine! It's the end of June and as usual, it's time for another TBR. Unlike usual, this time I will be making this reading list for the next two months due to the huge unpredictability of my workload for June and…
July TBR 2019

July TBR 2019

Heyo Bookaholics! Think of July as an extended version of June. Like June but with 61 days! I've posted my TBR for June early last month and I planned to read an unrealistic 8 or so books. I knew it was never going to work out, but I tried anyway and managed to…
July TBR!

July TBR!

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

What is this? I am doing a TBR post?

Why yes I am. I haven’t done a TBR post in a while as my reading has been super irregular and I have been reading really slowly that as I said a few posts back, I have only read 5 books in 6 moths and that is appalling.

I have decided to get back on track with a TBR that I will (hopefully) stick to.

I have created monthly TBR shelves on my Goodreads page, with each month containing roughly 3-5 books that I will hopefully finish – and review – within the month. The June TBR Shelf contains only 4 books, one of which I have already started.

The four books include: