What is the Difference Between a Cliche and a Trope?

What is the Difference Between a Cliche and a Trope?

Hey Ho Bookaholics!

Welcome to the first Stoytime Wednesday, where I attempt to understand the difference between a cliche and a trope.

This confusion came about when I was reading Third Time Lucky by Karly Lane, a book that would never have thought to pick up if it wasn’t sent to me by Allen & Unwin; and I came across many many cheesy cliches and tropes. My favourite trope that appeard in this story was the get good to get back trope, where a charcater who was one shunned by the community comes back years later, rich and living a better life than everyone to rub it in their faces and take their property.

I found a very good explanation on the site dragonscanbebeaten.wordpress.comwhere he quotes Adam Heine who provides the best explanation of tropes and cliches, and how they’re used.